Our Story

Hi, I am Krisha, the name behind artbykrii. Gifting and art have always been close to me since childhood. As someone who always found it difficult to express, gifting through art became my way of expressing love.

Seeing my creativity and propensity, I was given a push by people around me to start a page and just share the happiness and love. That’s when artbykrii was established on 7th December 2021.

With so many ideas to execute and a wish to create something unique, I started my journey. We watch a movie and remember the scenes we relate to, listen to a song and tattoo the lyrics, watch a sport and remember the iconic moments, capture our special moments and record videos. We have so much to say but don’t know how. Photos became a part of our albums, but the videos fade away into our cloud storage. Preserving these videos and turning the special moments into souvenirs to express and gift led my way to making Flipbooks.

I never thought that artbykrii will become a big part of people worldwide and I am grateful for the love I have received. With the evolution of artbykrii I have grown in life and with that, even my ideas. Excited and committed to design Kri-ative products, help you with fresh gifts, souvenirs and spread happiness, I’m looking forward to what lies ahead.

Thank you for taking your time and knowing me. It is a dream for every artist to do what I do and I cannot be more thankful to the people who have been a part of my journey and will be in the future.


(Founder of artbykrii)